14/03/2025 - Total : 104759 kms Bicycle: 64759 kms. Sailboat: 40000 kms. Paragliding: 250 spots.

La dernière émission podcast :
Les contrastes d'un cyclo voyage chinois.

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Fly'n'Roll - The book

Sorry no english translation available yet You can have a look there and translate with google.   http://fr.ulule.com/enrouteavecaile/ Lire la suite…
Days from the start --> 2700 Unpowered kms total: --> 103100 --- Dear reader,  I write from Croatia where I was facing a real storm followed by a freezing calm. Last newsletter came from Singapore in September 2014. At that time I had just reached the Asian continent. As you might have noticed, my web Lire la suite…

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A cruise than turned in a nightmare.

NEARLY MADE IT!  Now facing Singapore ... Across the channel! I’m still in Indonesia in Batu Ampar on Batam island... But I have no boat anymore… Fred Wilson, (over) proud owner of s/v Equinox NZ decided a bit too early that my service on board were not further required because it would cost him two more days of food!!!  Therefore he came back on our strict contra Lire la suite…